This type of fireplace is your standard brick constructed chimney.
A Factory Built type fireplace can be found in most all newly constructed homes. These are prefabricated and have a metal pipe which vent the gases up through the roof and out of the home.
A freestanding wood stove which has a pipe connected to the top of the stove and is vented out through the roof of the home.
A pellet stove is a stove that burns compressed wood or biomass pellets. This type of pellet stove is freestanding.
This is a wood stove Inserted into an existing brick chimney. In this type of installation the wood stove has it's own pipe connected to it which travels up through the top of the existing chimney to vent.
This is a wood stove inserted into an existing brick chimney. In this type of installation the wood stove uses the existing chimney flue to vent and no stove pipe is installed. This type of configuration is no longer recommended. Homes with this setup should be converted to a Lined Insert.
A pellet stove is a stove that burns compressed wood or biomass pellets. In this type of installation the pellet is inserted into an existing chimney. The stove has it's own pipe connected to it which travels up through the top of the existing chimney to vent.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)'s 211 (Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances) is the standard upon which Napa Valley Chimney Sweepers base our services. This standard classifies chimney and venting system inspections into three levels. Level I, Level II or Level III. Each level of inspection has a specific scope of work and specific criteria.
This inspection is recommended when the chimney and venting system is easily accessible and when the homeowner is planning to maintain its current use. In general, this is the level of inspection performed in most homes. In a Level I inspection verifies that the chimney structure is sound and that the chimney is free of obstructions and combustible deposits, such as creosote.
The addition of a new home heating appliance or a change in the type of fuel a homeowner is burning requires a Level II inspection. This inspection level is also required upon the sale or transfer of a property or after an operating malfunction or external event that is likely to have caused damage to the chimney. The scope of a Level II inspection includes that of the Level I inspection plus the inspection of accessible portions of the attics, crawl spaces and basements. It may also include a performance test such as a smoke test or a pressure test and possibly an interior chimney video inspection if recommended by the certified chimney sweep.
When a Level I or Level II inspection suggests a hidden hazard and the evaluation cannot be performed without access to concealed areas, a Level III inspection is recommended. This type of inspection confirms the proper construction and condition of concealed portions of the chimney structure and the flue. Level III inspections are generally necessary when investigating an incident that has caused damage to a chimney or building, or where a hazard is detected and suspected.
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